
The main products are: phosphoric acid, sartan biphenyl, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium six phosphate,


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How to skillfully use sodium gluconate

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Previously, we also learned that potassium gluconate and sodium gluconate are both excellent flavor enhancers, which not only have excellent flavor properties but also have the effect of masking bitterness and odor, and improving flavor properties. It can significantly improve the taste of high sweetness sweeteners such as steviol, aspartame, saccharin, etc.

Liquid sodium gluconate can effectively mask the odor of soy protein. Soybean protein has a high nutritional value, so it is widely used in various foods such as fish mince, processed animal meat, frozen foods, etc. However, due to its strong smell of soy protein, its usage is limited. Adding 5% sodium gluconate to sausages can significantly reduce the odor of soy protein, and adding 0.5% sodium gluconate to fish sauce can also reduce the odor of fish. Sodium gluconate also masks the soy protein odor in foods that use soy protein, such as soy milk and hamburgers. Sodium gluconate can also mask the bitter taste of trace metals such as magnesium, zinc, and iron, especially magnesium, making it very suitable for addition in beverages and healthy foods.

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